Networking and Cybersecurity Advanced Learning Series

Thank you for choosing to train with Tony To use this course please click on the links below to go to the lessons pages and see that as you complete lessons the oval next to the lesson name will be marked as complete. At the end of the course, there will be a final exam. You must score a minimum of 80% to pass the course. Thank you again and please let me know if there are any issues or questions.


  1. TraceFlow, CSR, and Certificates
  2. Core Protocols of the Internet and Network Communication
  3. Networking with Layer-7 Proxies
  4. Networking with TLS Intercept
  5. DNS (Client and Resolver Behaviors and Interactions)
  6. Internet Routing Architecture
  7. No default Route
  8. Policy-Based Routing (PBR)
  9. IPsec using IKE
  10. GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation)
  11. PAC (Proxy Auto-Configuration)
  12. Switches vs Routers vs Firewalls vs Proxies (Nice to Have)
  13. IP Networking - Required Knowledge
  14. IP Routing - Required Knowledge
  15. Access Methods (Establishment, securing, optimizing, liveliness detection, and design resiliency)
  16. SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)
  17. Remote Access Technologies (Nice to Have)
  18. SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management)
  19. Interactions with LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
  20. Interactions with Active Directory
  21. Known Vendors: OKTA/PING/AAD/ADFS
  22. HTTPS and TLS Interception by Proxy
  23. PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy)
  24. SSL as an Attack Vector
  25. Understanding Zero-Day, APT, and State-Sponsored Attacks
  26. Proxy Types - Required Knowledge
  27. Identity Management - Required Knowledge
  28. SSL vs. TLS - Required Knowledge
  29. Attack Techniques
  30. Mitigations: Strategies and Technologies to Prevent Security Attacks
  31. Defense in Depth: A Multi-Layered Approach to Security
  32. Stages of an Attack
  33. DNS-Based Security
  34. Knowledge of Eco-Environment (Nice to Have)
  35. SDWAN (Software Defined Wide Area Networks)
  36. Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)
  37. O.365 (E3/E5 + EMS - Enterprise Mobility + Security), GSuite
  38. NGFW (Next-Generation Firewalls) & UTM Firewalls
  39. Mobile Device Management (MDM) and EPS services
  40. Cloud Service Models
  41. ISP (Internet Service Provider)
  42. Popular Technical Interview Questions
  43. Networking and Cybersecurity Exam