2. Hands-On Exercises to Recognize and Respond to Threats
Description: Hands-on exercises help employees practice identifying and responding to cybersecurity threats in a controlled environment.
2.1. Phishing Simulation
Description: Conduct a phishing simulation to train employees on recognizing and handling phishing emails.
- Simulation Setup: Send simulated phishing emails to employees.
- Training Feedback: Provide feedback on their responses and offer guidance on recognizing phishing attempts.
- Discussion: Review common phishing tactics and best practices for avoiding phishing scams.
2.2. Incident Response Drill
Description: Organize an incident response drill to practice handling a simulated cybersecurity incident.
- Scenario Setup: Create a realistic scenario, such as a data breach or ransomware attack.
- Role-Playing: Assign roles (e.g., IT, management, communications) and have participants respond to the incident.
- Debrief: Review actions taken during the drill, identify areas for improvement, and discuss effective response strategies.
2.3. Password Strength Challenge
Description: Conduct an exercise to demonstrate the importance of strong passwords and password management.
- Password Creation: Ask participants to create passwords based on given criteria (e.g., length, complexity).
- Evaluation: Evaluate the strength of the passwords and provide feedback on how to create stronger passwords.
- Discussion: Discuss the importance of using unique, complex passwords and password managers.
2.4. Secure Configuration Quiz
Description: Test employees’ knowledge of secure configurations and best practices.
- Quiz: Administer a quiz on secure configuration settings for common systems and applications.
- Review: Go over the correct answers and explain the rationale behind secure configuration choices.
- Best Practices: Discuss best practices for configuring systems securely.