Job Seeker Resources

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Prayer for Jobseekers Resources

Welcome to the “Prayer for Job Seekers Resources” page. If you’ve found your way here, it’s likely because you’re navigating the challenging terrain of job hunting. Know that you’re not alone in this journey.

How did the Prayer for Jobseekers LinkedIn Group come to be?

My Story

Allow me to share a bit about my own experience. I found myself unexpectedly laid off from my position at IBM on October 1, 2023, just before the holiday season. This situation is all too familiar to many I’ve encountered online and in person, so when I say I understand your frustration, I truly do!

During my time at IBM, I had the privilege of working alongside some truly remarkable individuals. While I won’t delve into the specifics of my tenure there, I want to highlight the positive relationships I built, particularly with colleagues like Antti Reijonen and John Le. Both Antti and John exemplify excellence in their respective fields, and connecting with them has been invaluable, especially in the realm of cybersecurity.

However, despite the positive aspects of my career, I found myself targeted and ultimately laid off within a mere two months. The aftermath left me grappling with the reality of unemployment, a situation made all the more daunting by the fact that my family relies on my income. You see, my wife, Cayse, and I have been married for 28 years, and our decision for her to stay at home to care for our family has been a deeply fulfilling one. Yet, as the sole breadwinner, the weight of providing for my family weighs heavily on me, especially in these uncertain times.

This journey has been marked by challenges beyond just securing employment. I find myself facing the daunting prospect of homelessness, a circumstance that adds layers of complexity to an already difficult situation. As I prepare to make difficult decisions, including parting with beloved pets and seeking refuge for my family while not being accepted by those who offer it, I am acutely aware of the urgent need for assistance.

Therefore, the purpose of this page is twofold: to share my journey and struggles with you and to provide resources that have been instrumental in navigating this challenging chapter of my life.

On February 28, 2024, I officially became homeless, joining the ranks of countless others who find themselves in similar circumstances. Through sharing my story and offering resources, I hope to foster empathy and support within the ever growing community of job seekers.

Here is a little information about the very real problem of Veteran Homelessness:

Point-in-Time (PIT) Count

Everyone Counts in the Effort to End Veteran Homelessness

The Point-in-Time (PIT) count is an annual effort led by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to estimate the number of Americans, including Veterans, without safe, stable housing. It is one tool used to assess yearly progress toward the VA’s priority goal of ending homelessness among Veterans.

What the PIT Count Measures

The PIT Count is among the ways the VA estimates the homeless nationwide to help direct resources based on need. Here’s who performs the PIT Count and what it measures:

  • The PIT Count is administered by HUD’s more than 400 Continuums of Care (CoCs), which are local planning bodies responsible for coordinating all homelessness services in a geographic area.
  • During even-numbered years, CoCs are only required to count sheltered persons (those living in emergency shelters and transitional housing), although many CoCs voluntarily collect data about unsheltered persons during those years.
  • During odd-numbered years, CoCs are required to count sheltered and unsheltered persons—those living on the street or in another place not meant for human habitation.
  • The January 2023 PIT Count results reflect national snapshots of homelessness through the end of 2022.

The January 2023 PIT Count

The national snapshot of Veteran homelessness showed that:

The total number of Veterans who experienced homelessness was 35,574 – an increase of 7.4% over January 2022.

Homeless veterans as ofJan 2022.
increase through January 2022.
+ 0 %

The estimated number of Veterans experiencing homelessness in America has declined by 52.0% since 2010.

decrease in homelessness since 2010.
- 0 %

Breaking this down further, 20,067 Veterans experienced sheltered homelessness, and 15,507 Veterans experienced unsheltered homelessness.

experienced sheltered homelessness.
experience unsheltered homelessness.

Veterans who experience sheltered homelessness often live in places such as emergency shelters, transitional housing programs, or other supportive settings.

Veterans who experience unsheltered homelessness live in places not meant for human habitation, such as cars, parks, sidewalks, abandoned buildings, and literally on the street.

I’ve included this information on this page for several significant reasons:

Firstly, I am now among the statistics, representing a veteran who deeply cares about the welfare of my fellow brothers and sisters in arms.

Secondly, leveraging my voice and the platform I possess, however modest it may seem, is the most effective means I know to extend assistance to others, including myself.

It’s expected that some readers may find themselves troubled by this narrative. Some, undoubtedly, share my concern for our country’s veterans, while others may harbor misconceptions about homelessness, viewing it through a distorted lens. Let me clarify: homelessness is not a choice I made, nor is it a state I intend to endure indefinitely. Yet, circumstances can sometimes overwhelm even the most prepared individuals.

It’s essential to dispel the myth that homelessness stems solely from personal failings. Many who find themselves without shelter are not lacking in intelligence, skills, or training. They are, however, victims of circumstance, individuals who simply need a chance, an opportunity to reclaim stability.

Consider, then, the simplicity of extending a helping hand to someone in need. Employers, in particular, hold the power to effect significant change. The outcome of such gestures is twofold: either the individual will thrive, contributing positively to the company’s success, or they will falter, prompting the company to swiftly disengage. Either way, the company remains largely unscathed, while potentially altering the trajectory of someone’s life for the better.

For Veterans in Crisis

For immediate assistance in case of a veteran crisis, we strongly encourage you to contact the Veterans Crisis Line at (800) 273-8255. Additionally, you can dial 988 or text 838-255.

If you have an immediate housing crisis (date of eviction, foreclosure, utility shut off, fleeing DV, etc), don’t hesitate to get in touch with the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 877-424-3838 or contact our donor service. 

Homeless and Christian Based Programs

The Tunnel to Towers Foundation is committed to ending veteran homelessness nationwide. We honor the sacrifice and dignity of the American Service Member by ensuring that no veteran is left out on the streets of the country they volunteered to defend. 

If you are a Veteran experiencing homelessness or know of a veteran experiencing homelessness, please complete this form.

The Mighty Oaks Warrior journey begins with intensive peer-based programs that utilize instructional sessions, camaraderie, and team-building activities that are designed to challenge our Warriors to overcome their past experiences and move forward into a life of purpose. Our programs occur all across America on Military Bases, at our Outposts, and on rural ranch lodges. Each facility allows the Warriors to appreciate the peace of nature and have an “un-plugged” experience while focusing on the challenges they face in completing the program. View our program descriptions below, or visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information by clicking here.

The United States has a homeless veteran problem,. Below are the resources needed to get us help

VA Homeless Programs

Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Shallow Subsidy Services

VA offers several different programs and services to assist Veterans who are at risk of homelessness in response to the affordable housing crisis. Among those is the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Shallow Subsidy services. Shallow Subsidy offers a set percentage of rental support over a defined time, differentiating it from traditional rapid rehousing and homelessness prevention assistance that has more rental assistance flexibility but is generally a shorter, variable timeframe.Shallow Subsidy services have proven to be effective in preventing homelessness due to evictions and other housing crises. It is different from traditional rapid rehousing and homelessness prevention assistance services because of its ability to support households for a longer period (up to 24 months) while supporting housing stability.If you find yourself in need of assistance to stay in stable housing, learn more about how Shallow Subsidy services can serve you and your family until circumstances improve.

To find the organizations contracted to provide SSVF resources in your area, city, county, state or territory, use the form below to search by location. The results will show you the various resources in your area along with email addressed and phone numbers if they are available. This is the 2024 resource list that I got from the VA Homeless Assistance team in the VA Health Center, in Dallas, Texas.

SSVF Homeless Search

SSVF Homeless Search

National Call Center for Homeless Veterans

Free Help for Homeless Veterans

Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness—and their family members, friends, and supporters—can make the call to or chat online with the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans, where trained counselors are ready to talk confidentially 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Who Can Call – 18774AIDVET

  • Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
  • Family members, friends, and supporters calling on behalf of Veterans
  • VA Medical Centers and other VA facilities and staff
  • Federal, state, and local partners
  • Community agencies and providers who serve Veterans who are homeless.

Why Make the Call to 1-877-4AID VET (877-424-3838)

  • It’s free and confidential
  • You’ll get access to trained VA counselors
  • It’s available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
  • You’ll get information about VA homeless programs, health care, and other services in your area

What Happens When Veterans Make the Call

  • A trained VA staff member asks a few questions to find out what you need
  • Then, you’re connected to the nearest VA staff person who can help

What Happens When Others Make the Call

  • Family members and non-VA providers receive information about available homeless programs and services
  • They can keep their information confidential or leave contact information so staff can follow up

VA’s Resources for Homeless and At-Risk Veterans

VA offers a wide array of services to help homeless and at-risk Veterans.

Learn More

I want to thank you for stopping by. Please hop over and join our group on LinkedIn.

I know this is not an all-inclusive list, but I am actually using these resources as I create this page, which is why I am sharing this information. I will update this information as I get more information, so check back early and often, as there should be frequent updates. Best of luck if you need to use these resources; don’t forget to pray for all of us job seekers.